
Showing posts from May, 2022

how to get rid of tennis shoe odor

If you've ever experienced the smell of a smelly tennis shoe, then you know that it's not exactly a pleasant scent. But don't worry, this article will show you how to get rid of tennis shoe odor in seconds! All you need is vinegar and hydrogen peroxide! Just pour a bit into the water and reduce your odor for good. The smell might be gone in minutes, leaving your shoes spic and span again - so there is no reason for it to hold on for dear life anymore. No one likes the smell of sweaty feet, and no one likes the smell of a smelly shoe. Let’s face it, we all want our shoes to be as fresh as they were on the day we bought them. When you're not active, and your shoes stay closed up and unused for a few months (or more), they can start to develop an odor that overpowers any good scent that is left from before. It's time to take some steps against those pesky odors.   Image source: I know you hate having to put away your sneakers because of odor,...

how to get shoe glue off hands

If you have ever worn shoe glue on your hands, you know that can be a lot of mess to clean up. The problem is that the glue clings to skin and clothing, making it very difficult to remove.    Image source: It can even get ingrained in the skin and cause dry, flaky patches. So here are a few simple solutions to try if this happens.Use some soap or a hand sanitizer with alcohol or vinegar for an all-natural solution. Rub some on the gluey area and rinse it off with water. For stubborn spots where there is little room for scrubbing, let it soak for five minutes before rinsing again with water.   Image source: https://www.footlocker .com/ Shoe glue can be a great tool for repairingshoes . Unfortunately, it won't always behave itself and when it clings to your hands,    Image source: the best you can hope for is to try to scrape it off with a fingernail or use another adhesive remover. The good news is that there ar...